This article outlines the steps needed to setup an Amino H-Series media player to automatically load a remotely hosted Web Application at startup.
It covers how to configure the H200 for all three network environments of USB provisioned, DHCP-VCI-HTTP provisioned and also using the Amino Orchestrate Management Platform.
An Amino H200 Media Player
The URL for the landing page of the Web Application you want the H200 to load.
- For USB provisioning use-case
- A 2GB USB stick (or larger) formatted to VFAT filesystem
- Amino H200 USB Provisioning image. (Available from Amino Self-service support site)
- For DHCP provisioning use-case
- Admin privileges to DHCP server
- Publishing privileges to HTTP Web Server
- For Orchestrate provisioning use-case
- Admin permissions to the Orchestrate "Manage" module
Note: The in-built browser will launch the homepage IF and ONLY IF the "tvapp.package_id" parameter is NOT set, or the tvapp.package_id is set to "com.aminocom.browser"
USB Provisioned Use-Case
Important Note: Please see the generic Quick start guide or USB Provisioning Guide for general information on how to create a USB image for provisioning the H200 via this method.
To configure your web app for your devices, when using the Amino USB Image Creator, select the Parameter "webapp.homepage".
Then, in the next step, enter the URL of your web application. Setting this parameter will set your web application as the default URL for your device.
When you boot the H200 to your newly created USB image, you should now see your web application load after bootup.
DHCP-VCI-HTTP Provisioned Use-Case
Important Note: This article assumes you have already setup your DHCP to support the "VCI" strings to match and provision the H200. If not, please see the relevant setup guide before proceeding.
Within your DHCP configuration, edit the file to which the "option AMINOENTERPRISE.AMINOINI" URL is pointing. This is the INI file you have configured your H200's to provision upon boot. In my example dhcpd.conf entry:
option AMINOENTERPRISE.AMINOINI code 106 = text;
# h200
class "AMINO-APP-107" {
match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 13)="AMINO-APP-107";
vendor-option-space AMINOENTERPRISE;
default-lease-time 3600;
Edit or create the file: "dhcp_boot.ini", adding the following line:
Once you have published the file to your Web server, the above line will provision the H200 to launch the URL "" upon boot up.
Orchestrate Provisioned Use-Case
Important Note: This article assumes you have access to Orchestrate, added your H200 media player devices to you domain and created a simple group for you devices. Please see the relevant articles or the Orchestrate User Manual for more information on how to setup your Orchestrate account.
Login to your Orchestrate domain, and select or create a group for the provisioning of your H200 media players. Selection of a "Target Firmware" version and Save your group. Click the "Add/Remove Parameters" to be shown the Parameter Selection dialog window as shown below:
Add any other relevant Parameters you wish to add, but to provision a default URL for the browser to launch, scroll down and select the Parameter: "webapp.homepage" and click the "Add" button to move it to the "Added Parameters" area, and then Click "Apply".
Populate the empty "webapp.homepage" value's textarea with the URL for the Web application you want to auto launch on bootup, ensuring you include either "http://" or "https://". For the example above re-using the URL "".
Click the "Save" button to save your changes to the group.
if you have not already "joined" any media players to your group, select the "Device List" menu on the left hand side and add whichever devices you want assigned to this group to load your Web Application.
Finishing Up
All media player devices that are assigned to this group will have the Amino ACME Web Application launched from bootup.