Enable HDMI CEC through Remote Inspector
We need to start by enabling and accessing the STB browser Remote Inspector. Detailed instructions here.
Once you have access to the Remote Inspector console you will need to enable the HDMI CEC. There's an API JavaScript call for that purpose - ENTONE.stb.setHdmiSettings(settings)
Among others this JS call accepts the following parameters as regarding HDMI CEC:
HDMI CEC standby control mode { cec_standby: "stb2tv" // {String} Options: off, stb2tv, tv2stb, both. If output is detached during standby, STB will also send HDMI CEC standby command to TV } HDMI CEC remote control mode { cec_remote_control: "tv2stb" // {String} Options: off, stb2tv, tv2stb, both. }
In order to enable HDMI CEC we need run the this JS call on the Remote Inspector console.
Here's the syntax we need to follow:
- $.enTV.setHdmiSettings({cec_standby: "both"})
- $.enTV.setHdmiSettings({cec_remote_control: "both"})
Please note that we can chose the flow of the HDMI CEC controls, from TV to STB, from STB to TV or BOTH.
Once we run this commands we should get a success message. Then, to double check and confirm our settings were applied, we can run the following JS call:
- $.enTV.getHdmiSettings().result
Finally, we should enable HDMI CEC on our TV and configure it to work with the STB.
NOTE: HDMI CEC implementation is different across TV brands, so it's not assured our STB will work with every TV model.