This article outlines the necessary setup requirements for synchronizing the video playback of multiple H200 STBs for multicast streams. It is especially helpful for applications such as video walls, where several STBs need to play the same video content in synchronization.
A. STB settings
To synchronize your H200 STBs, there are 2 settings you have to prepare:
1. All STB has to be upgraded to 25.3.2310.7R or later release.
2. Please set the ini option as below:
Please reboot your STB after completing the setup.
B. Setting up Webpage to play multicast stream
Please follow the instructions on the page below for the basic setup of your webpage:
Video frame under Webpage User interface
To synchronize multiple H200 STB for multicast stream, you have to disable av sync on the STB
(Example: multicast address with port 8110)
You can simply adjust the "player.setSource" content by adding "?disable_av_sync=true" to disable av sync.
You can tune your STBs to the above stream at different time.
Here is a sample page for about example: Sample_Page_Mul_H200.html
Alternatively, you can use API to set the H200 STB to play your multicast channel with av sync disabled.
var player = ENABLE.player.getInstance(0)
C. Special note
Based on the configuration described above, it is anticipated that there will still be a small time lag of several hundred milliseconds among different STBs.