This article will explain how the H-Series can be configured automatically from a DHCP server using VCI strings.
STB Model |
VCI Classes |
H200 | AMINO-APP-107 |
Note: For H200 FW, BBL (Basic Boot Loader) is not needed due to the AOSP Operating System.
Recovery Bootloader is used instead and it's not configurable.
This article assumes that the basic setup of the devices has been completed and the device is configured to use Orchestrate, USB, or DHCP to receive any necessary configuration settings.
The article also assumes that you understand the use of Amino INI configuration settings and that you can edit and apply INI configuration parameters to your media player.
The option AMINOENTERPRISE option space needs to be declared before any class definitions in the dhcpd.conf configuration file on the DHCP Server.
option AMINOENTERPRISE.AMINOINI code 106 = text;
Then the following class must be created to define an APP for H200,
# h200
class "AMINO-APP-107" {
match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 13)="AMINO-APP-107";
vendor-option-space AMINOENTERPRISE;
option AMINOENTERPRISE.AMINOINI "http://<preferred ip and path>/h200_entone_boot.ini";
default-lease-time 3600;
With your subnet and range configuration, you will also need to “allow members of”, any classes you want to serve,
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
pool {
allow members of "AMINO-APP-107";
max-lease-time 1800;
default-lease-time 1200;
min-lease-time 1000;
HTTP(S) Setup
Amino firmware files are downloadable from the support website.
- Go to the Firmware section of the Amino Support website
- Select and download the firmware release for your device.
To serve the firmware file via HTTP(S), upload them to your HTTP server making note of the correct URL needed for the device to GET them later. It is useful to attempt to download via a web browser to make sure permissions and URL address/path(s) are correct.
Parameters Setup
This is an example of what the h200_entone_boot.ini file should look like:
# Firmware and Version
firmware_upgrade.url=http://<preferred ip and path>/
# Parameters
webapp.lineup_url="http://<preferred ip and path>/lineup.json"
With a correctly configured DHCP server along with an HTTP server with the right Firmware, lineup.json, and INI files all accessible, upon powering up the device, depending on the current state, it will:
- Download the INI file which will:
1.1 Upgrade the Firmware (optionally if it is not identical to that specified in the INI file)
1.2 Assume the newly defined parameters - Download the lineup.json file and leave the device at the first channel as specified in the channel lineup