Due to Amino running out of MAC Address serialization numbers with our existing prefix “00:03:E6”, we have acquired an additional OUI Prefix “5C:0F: FB” from the IEEE to assign to newly manufactured Set-Top Boxes.
As a consequence, there will also be a change in our Serial Numbers length which will move from 7 to 8 digits.
This transition affects 7 series units only and is starting in July 2020. Therefore you may see this change for units received since then.
Actions required
The support of the new MAC address prefix and the 8-digit SN does require a minimum firmware version of both APP and BBL. If you are not sure whether the latest firmware version you have access to is already compliant please reach out to the Amino support team.
Depending on your networking and access equipment, you may need to accommodate for the additional Prefix in any OUI matching configuration in your CPE or WAN network for the Set-Top Boxes to boot.
For protection, Amino will be introducing an anti-rollback mechanism into the APP and BBL releases. Once loaded you will not be able to downgrade to any release that doesn't support the new MAC address and SN format. The way to identify releases with the anti-rollback is by their number. Any release for which the anti-rollback is added has a second digit which is the number 2 or higher. For example, 20.2.x for the Aria 7 or Kamai 7x does have the anti-rollback while 20.1.x does not.
See also
Relationship Between Enable Devices Serial Number and MAC Address